Honey Bee Flower Seed Mix

This mix is the result of many years of testing on honey Bee flower preference in test gardens.  This is a blend of adaptable, annual and perennial flowers that provide nectar and pollen to honey bees.  Ideal for Bee keepers, and for those concerned with bee health.  The mix can be used in garden beds, boarders and other maintained areas.

Scientific Name Common Name Type
Asclepias fascicularis Narrow-leaved Milkweed A
Cheiranthus allionii Siberian Wallflower B/P
Clarkia amoena Dwarf Godetia A
Coreopsis tinctoria (dwarf) Dwarf Plians Coereopsis P
Coreopsis lanceolata Lance-Leaved Coereopsis A
Cynoglossum amabile Chinese Forget-Me-Not A/B
Delphinium ajacis Rocket Larkspur A
Dianthus barbatus Sweet William Pinks P
Dimorphotheca aurantiaca African Daisy P
Eshscholzia californica California Poppy TP
Gaillardia aristata Perennial Gaillardia P
Gysophila elegans Annual Baby's Breath A
Iberis umbellata Candytuff A
Linum perenne Blue Flax P
Linum grandiflorum rubrum Scarlet Flax A
lobularia Martima Sweet Alyssum TP
Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy A
Ratibida columnifera Dwarf Red Coneflower B/P
Rudbeckia hirta Black-Eyed Susan A/B/P
Silene ameria Catchfly A/B
Verbena tenuisecta Moss Verbena P



  • 4 oz covers 500 sq. ft.
  • 8 oz covers 1000 sq-ft.
  • 16 oz covers 2000 sq-ft.


  • Planting Rate/acre** 8-16 lbs
  • Planting rate 1/2 acre or less 5 oz./1000 sq. ft.
  • Seeds/lb. 331,000

Key Benefits

  • Pollinator

*P = Perennial A = Annual B= Biennial TP= Tender perennial, grown as an annual in colder climates
** These rates are calculated for 120 seeds per square foot, and soil preparation and weed control are possible.

(A) annuals, bloom the first year, and reproduce by seed, individual plants die each year.
(P) perennials bloom the second year, individual plants live for years, and reproduce by seeds.