Best Ever Red Lodge Wildflower Mix

I have added new species* to the Red Lodge Mix that prolong and produce more colors!  This mix is designed to withstand temperature extremes, can be grown in all regions, except coastal & deep Southern Regions, and is not palatable to deer. You can mow down to 6-8 inches after all plants have browned after “killer-frost”, this redistributes all annual and perennial seeds.

(a) annuals, bloom the first year, and reproduce by seed, individual plants die each year.
(p) perennials bloom the second year, individual plants live for years, and reproduce by seeds.

Scientific Name Common Name Type
Aquilegia caerulea Columbine, mixed colors P
Chrysanthemum maximum Shasta Daisy P
Coreopsis Plains Coreopsis A
Gaillardia aristata Gaillardia, Perennial P
Gaillardia pulchella Annual Gaillardia A
Linum perenne lewisii Blue Flax P
Lupinus argenteus Mountain Lupine* P
Papaver rhoeas Corn Poppy A
Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan P
Penstemon strictus Rocky Mountain Penstemon* P
Cleome serrulata Rocky Mountain Beeplant* A
Delphinium occidentale Western Larkspur* P



  • 2 oz - covers 500 sq ft
  • 4 oz - covers 1000 sq ft
  • 8 oz - covers 2000 sq ft
  • 16 oz - covers 4000 sq ft


  • Planting Rate / acre** - 10 lbs
  • Planting rate 1/2 acre or less 4 oz / 1000 sq ft
  • Seeds / lb - 512,316

Key Benefits

  • Will grow anywhere in the US, with exception to coastal & deep Southern Regions.
  • Deer do not find it palatable
  • Provides color from early spring until it frosts

*P = Perennial A = Annual B= Biennial TP= Tender perennial, grown as an annual in colder climates
** These rates are calculated for 120 seeds per square foot, and soil preparation and weed control are possible.

(A) annuals, bloom the first year, and reproduce by seed, individual plants die each year.
(P) perennials bloom the second year, individual plants live for years, and reproduce by seeds.