Northeast Native Mix

Scientific Name Common Name Type
Aster Novae-angliae New England Aster P
Coreopsis lanceolata Lance-Leaved Coreopsis P
Gaillaridia pulchella Annual Gaillardia A
Liatris spicata Gayfeather P
Lupinus perennis Perennial Lupine P
Penstemon digitalis Smooth Penstomen P
Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Milkweed P
Aster laevis Smooth Aster P
Eupatorium perfolliatum Boneset P
Solidago rigida Rigid Goldenrod P
Zizia aurea Golden Alexander P



  • 2 oz covers 285 sq-ft.
  • 4 oz covers 570 sq-ft.
  • 8 oz covers 1140 sq-ft.
  • 16 oz covers 2285 sq-ft.


  • Planting Rate/acre** 10-20 lbs
  • Planting rate 1/2 acre or less 7 oz./1000 sq. ft.
  • Seeds/lb. 259,000

*P = Perennial A = Annual B= Biennial TP= Tender perennial, grown as an annual in colder climates
** These rates are calculated for 120 seeds per square foot, and soil preparation and weed control are possible.

(A) annuals, bloom the first year, and reproduce by seed, individual plants die each year.
(P) perennials bloom the second year, individual plants live for years, and reproduce by seeds.